We are celebrating the summer season with a bold palette of colours showcasing our feature colour,
Colour #137. Colour #137 is a vibrant blend of green, blue and pink.
You may have seen mitten patterns like this one in previous posts. If you’re new to the site, we highlight different stitch and patterns to create twelve different unique needlepoint mittens showcased in our 12 months Of Mittens. These are a series of small mittens designed with various stitches and colours. No published patterns are available, but I have included information regarding the colours and stitches used.
A mitten template is available in the November/December issue of Needlepoint Now, along with my published mitten.
The Bold Palette Of Colour Used For This Mitten
As you can tell from the title, we did not hold back on the colours for this mitten! I liken the colour combination to the colours you would see in Candyland. It is fun, bold and daring.
The cuff is stitched using Ashley stitch, alternating Colour #81 with Colour #69. The thumb of the mitten is stitched with Colour #137 in a crisscross Hungarian stitch. The center has an elongated cross stitch in Colour #81 with a purple metallic bordered with two rows of diagonal stitches in Colour #78. The right of the mitten is stitched with diagonal scotch stitches alternating Colours #69 and #137. Beads were added for the finishing touch.
Note that all colours in this palette were used with size 5 Perle Cotton:
What do you think of this latest pattern? This is an excellent example of what could happen if you have fun using BOLD colours from our collection. Don’t be afraid to have fun!