
Since my business is all about colour, I’ve been playing with new colours and new designs for mittens so why not experiment with a bold colour mitten!

For March, we are featuring Colour #84 as our feature colour, so I thought it would be great to show a mitten stitched with this colour. After all, it is fun to experiment both with colours and stitches.

I started designing this mitten with the checkerboard cuff. I’ve always found checkerboards appealing in needlework, so I naturally needed to include it in at least one of my mittens. Instead of traditional black and white, I wanted something different, so I chose Colours #83 and Colour #78.

How This Bold Colour Mitten Was Created

The cuff is a mosaic checkerboard. Once completed, I opted to stitch diagonal rows of various stitches for this design.

I started with two rows of diagonal mosaic using Colour #78 at the top of the thumb. The next row is a row of half scotch stitches using Colour #83, then another row of scotch stitches using Colour #37. In the middle of this section are diagonal square Rhodes stitches using Colour #83, then a repeat of the above. I used Colour #78 for two rows of diagonal mosaic and alternated with a couple of single rows of diagonal mosaic. The bottom is stitched with diagonal scotch in Colour #78.

I will be using several of these colours in other mittens this year, so you might like to pick them up. For this mitten and others, I use size 5 Perle cotton.

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