Continuing in our Twelve Months Of Mittens series, today I’d like to share this oh-so cute, green mitten design!
So why the colour green? Well, we are celebrating greens in my product line this month. I thought it would be appropriate to share a mitten stitched in the same colour scheme to fit the occasion.
If you recall, I explained previously how Susan came up with this idea and stitched a selection of mittens for gift giving last Christmas! She inspired the group and hopefully, we are inspiring YOU with our selection of mittens.
Gather your supplies and let’s get started.
What will you need for our green mitten design
We used 18-count white mono canvas for our featured mitten today. It measures about 2 ½ x 3 inches (approximately) so it is SMALL! You may like to adjust the size and stitch one a bit larger – we will leave this up to you.
This mitten is stitched using size 5 Perle cotton, Colour #18 and the center is Colour #187. The mitten “trees” are stitched with a leaf stitch and a small stitch was added for the trunks. The cuff is a diagonal double brick stitch. For reference, you will find both stitches in the Stitches books by Ruth Schmuff and Kathy Holicky – there are five volumes! I’m sure if you google the stitches you may find them as well.
It may be helpful to back stitch the outline onto the canvas with a running stitch using sewing thread which can be removed as you stitch. You may also find it helpful to back stitch the entire outline with the same thread used in the design. I’ll leave these choices to you. **Please note that you will likely alter the shape somewhat as you stitch with your compensating stitches.
Don’t forget to share some photos if you are stitching mittens! I think twelve would look fantastic in a garland for Christmas – what do you think?
Keep your eyes peeled for another mitten next month.