Oh Christmas Tree!
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree. I don’t know about you, but I always get a creative surge in the late fall. Always have! Usually I either create cards or ornaments. I think ornaments make wonderful gift items AND a bonus is they are fun to make. Personally, I like to add them to gifts as a small addition to the bow. Makes it a bit more special.
At one time, I decorated THREE Christmas trees. I know, a bit excessive to say the least. These days I limit it to one tree BUT I just may do a wee one for my office this year. After all, I spend a lot of time in front of my computer these days.
When I started writing this post, I paused to research a bit about the history of Christmas trees.
Pagan lore indicates the time between Christmas until about mid January are some of the coldest days of the year. Evidently beliefs were that evil spirits were at their strongest during this time. Evergreens were brought into the home as symbols of protection to ward off the spirits. The evergreens were lit with candles, the idea being the brighter the less likely the spirits would stay.
Whatever belief you may have, the Christmas tree stands out as celebrating life. Evergreen represents life, rebirth and stamina needed during the winter months. They are symbols of elegance and joy felt at this time of year.
So, what better way to celebrate then to create some “trees”.
Over the coming weeks I will be sharing these trees. All are stitched using mostly Colour Complements threads BUT many combine other threads.
They will be easy, fast and simple AND you could use up bits in your stash. You know, all those bits leftover from other projects. I will not be providing a specific pattern as these will hopefully provide inspiration. All my photographs are close-ups just in case you want to create your own.
Today is the first tree ornament. It starts with a very simple shape – an offset triangle. What could be easier? This particular tree measures about 4 inches from top to bottom. It is stitched on 18 count canvas. Dominique has used a variety of left over Colour Complements threads. Most were less than one meter lengths so you don’t need much. AND this was randomly stitched.
That’s it for today! More to come next week. Now, I want to see some more trees.
Photos are most welcome.
For more inspiration check out Pinterest. Thank you Dominique.