Sometimes a simple colour palette featuring only three colours is all you need to create a beautiful palette.! Our focus colour for this palette is Colour #46, a blend of turquoise and lemon-lime. Naturally, it would make sense to combine Colour #46 with darker and lighter shades of turquoise and lime greens, BUT we chose to create this palette with coral pinks and golden yellow/orange instead.
Simplicity can be a powerful approach in needlepoint. This three-colour palette that we’re featuring allows for elegant and cohesive patterns to come alive. With just three colours, each hue has the opportunity to shine and harmonize effortlessly. By focusing on the blend of turquoise and lemon-lime Color #46, you unlock a world of creativity, balance and just a touch of whimsy.
When working with only three colours in your palette, achieving balance and contrast is key. The blend of turquoise and lemon-lime provides a dynamic contrast between the cool and warm spectrum, allowing each colour to accentuate the other’s qualities. The calming nature of turquoise finds a vibrant companion in the zestful lemon-lime, resulting in a harmonious blend of hues.
When I see these colours together, I think of a fresh spring bouquet of flowers or the summer blooms I see on my daily walks!
The following palette was created using colours from my collection:
There are ample opportunities to expand on this simple colour palette. You could liven it up more by adding Colour #66, a blend of various values of bold orange. OR, perhaps colour #67, a blend of bold yellows. What about adding lime green as another option?
Whatever your selections might be, don’t be afraid to experiment and be BOLD and adventurous with your combinations.