
Gem coloured threads are always very popular in my shop for needlework projects. Blue, green and purple in particular seem to always sell out. It’s clear from this heart design why! 

The design inspiration for this heart is from the featured heart in the January/February 2019 issue of Needlepoint Now.  Some time ago I posted about my Diamonds Heart which has many similarities to this one. The differences are in the colours, threads used and stitch choices.

Here’s a Closer Look at this Gem Coloured Needlework Pattern

Most of this design was stitched with Colour #120 which is my blue/green/purple blend.  While the diamond bargello central pattern is the same as the diamond design heart, it differs in the material that were used. This particular design uses cotton floss versus perle cotton. The solid purple background blends seamlessly and the soft shade does a great job in giving the small diamond patterns more “pop” in the overall design.

Colour #30 was chosen to highlight the central border as well as one stripe on the left side of the heart. It was also the perfect contrasting shade against the cool colour combination of blue, green and purple.

This heart will likely be donated to our local hospice but remember you can find out more about the Hearts for Hospice project on the Greater Kansas City Needlepoint Guild site.

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