WOOL APPLIQUE, Bloomin Beauties WOOL APPLIQUE – Bloomin Beauties, the final reveal!

I hope you have enjoyed this beautiful project over the last 6-8 months. I was lucky to be able to watch the progress of this quilt during many of our woollies stitch days. A true pleasure to watch a very talented stitcher. I have mentioned previously that Kathleen has been a quilter for many, many years. In fact, she worked at the shop I took my first quilting class over twenty-five years ago! We did not know one another but what a small world.

I would like to thank Kathleen for sharing this wonderful project and your talent with my readers. I hope she has inspired you to create your own Bloomin Beauties.

Just a quick review. The pattern is by Kim Schaefer called “Bloomin Beauties” which you will find in her Flower Festival book. Kathleen opted to use a heavy black flannel for her background versus wool as she prefers the flannel.  AND she has used a variety of my Colour Complements threads.

Thank you Kathleen. YES, I will be sharing more of Kathleen’s wool applique projects so stay tuned.

I will be taking a short break and will return to posting on Wednesday June 6th.  The shop will be closed over this time frame.  Thank you.

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