WOOL APPLIQUE, hand dyed embroidery threads

Another fabulous example of WOOL APPLIQUE today.  Bloomin Beauties Block #13!  I have mentioned previously that this is Kathleen’s wool applique version of Bloomin Beauties pattern by Kim Schaefer.  You can find this in Kim’s Flower Festival book.  She has used a heavy black flannel for her background.  Kathleen has used Colour Complements threads.

I have to admit, this is one of my favourites to date but I have no doubt there will be more “favourites” coming.  Kathleen has a “HUGE” collection of my threads, many of which I dyed a number of years ago.  When I first started dyeing my threads I dyed randomly hence there can be some lovely results.  Sadly I am not able to reproduce them so they are “one-offs”.

BUT, you can find lots of threads that would work in my SHOP.

Kathleen chose to border the leaves with a row of stem stitch and a row of fly stitches.  The outer petal of the flower is bordered with what I think is a Palestrina stitch.  The inner petal is bordered with bullion stitch and beads.  The center is a button and a combination of straight and open buttonhole stitches.

Another beauty if you will pardon the pun!  Thanks so much Kathleen.

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