I am thrilled to share another beautiful Brenda Stofft Designs needlepoint project today stitched by the incredibly talented Denise Park. I have mentioned previously that I do not often receive photographs of painted canvas projects so really excited to see this in my inbox not long ago. Denise had corresponded that she had been working on this and the results were well worth the wait.
The canvas is “Steampunk Fox” and measures approximately 8×12” on 18 count canvas. Denise has stitched this beauty and has written a stitch guide for it. I have included close-up photographs to give you an idea of the detail. Denise comes up with not only the most fantastic stitch combinations but wonderful embellishments! AND she has used a number of Colour Complements threads for this project.
Since Denise was kind enough to use some of my threads I have created a kit for those of you who may be interested in stitching it also. Remember, there are many more threads used in the design so the kit contains only my hand dyes. You will need to purchase the stitch guide for the remainder of the supplies required to create your own Steampunk Fox!
The canvas and stitch guide are available to order through your local needlework shop.
For those of you in the Morgan Hill area of California you may want to check with Madonna’s Needleworks as I believe Denise will be teaching this class very soon. Contact the store directly for further information.
I thought you may like to see a few close ups too…
Thank you Denise! Love how my threads look if I do say so myself!!! 🙂
Have a great weekend with more to share next week.