Since spring has arrived to the west coast, I wanted to share a warm analogous color scheme. Analogous color schemes are a selection of colors neighbouring one another on the color wheel. Technically, this color scheme consists of three colors featuring one dominant color BUT can be expanded with four or five colors.
An advantage with an analogous color scheme is the inherent harmony and balance it brings to a design. Since these colors are closely related, they naturally blend well, producing either a soothing and visually pleasing composition OR a bold vibrant palette.
I chose Color #77 for my dominant colour, a blend of golden brown and orange. I added two very popular colours available in my product line, Color #67, a blend of yellows, and Color #187, a blend of reds. What about using this palette to stitch a setting sun on a painted canvas? OR, what about the palette for a warm and colorful counted canvas design?
More About Our Analogous Color Scheme
We Used The Following Colors For Our Analogous Color Palette:
While color #77 features a golden brown not typically seen in an analogous red, orange and yellow palette, I think it works well because the brown is yellow/brown. If you wanted to add a bold choice, what about a gorgeous red-violet/purple for a stunning sunset?
Here’s another sunset-inspired palette we created from a previous project on the blog.