Each year I like to celebrate the Christmas season at Colour Complements. I generally choose a theme and offer a variety of samples. Last year my theme was trees. This year it is STARS!
Why stars?
Well, I chose this quite by accident. I saw some completed stars posted by one of the finishers I follow on Instagram and thought this would be a fun series for a Christmas ornament. So, I went in search of a star pattern.
I have followed Janet Perry’s blog, Nuts about Needlepoint for many years. Janet always has a lot of great information so it is worth a visit. Make yourself a cup of your favourite beverage as you will be there awhile! I came across her eight point star project which was a simple star pattern composed of one stitch that she created to test out threads and colours. You will find the pattern and post HERE.
I asked my stitch group if they would be interested in stitching some stars using various colour combinations. The only criteria was that each star would have a minimum of one Colour Complements colour. They could choose any additional colours/threads of their choice AND they could either use the original pattern or modify it as desired.
Throughout this month I will be sharing each of the stars created. As always, I hope they inspire you to stitch a star for Christmas. It might be a bit late for this year but you could always start now for next year!!!
So, let’s get started with the first star in the photo above.
This is the basic pattern as Janet posted. Susan has used Colour #31 in a size 5 perle cotton for the entire star. This is a great example of showcasing how ONE variegated thread works!!
In upcoming posts I will be showing you how adding different threads can alter the appearance of the design as well as create new patterns. You won’t want to miss them! Make sure you join me for my Colourful Christmas!