I find it challenging coming up with titles for my blog posts but star light just seemed to fit this one!
If you are joining me for the first time, I am featuring a series of star posts all month. You will find all the stars if you check in the right sidebar of the blog under categories – Colourful Christmas.
The pattern is featured on the Nuts about Needlepoint blog HERE. Thank you for this Janet. Each of my stars measure about 2 ½ inches on 18 count white mono canvas.
In the last post, I showed you Blazing Stars which was stitched with two threads. Star light features three threads.
Johanna started with size 5 perle in colour #138 which is a lovely pastel blend. She alternated using Caron Wildflowers Buttercup, colour #057 AND added some bling! This is the first of the stars showing a metallic. This one is a lovely turquoise metallic but another option would be pink or green.
Are we giving you ideas yet for some seasonal stars – hope so. Can you guess what star is coming up next? Star bright of course……