
Yes, it is another heart today. 

Through the coming months I will be sharing at least a heart a month if not more.  I’ve been keeping Dominique busy stitching hearts of late.  This is a wonderful project to use up both bits of canvas as well as leftover threads from previous projects. We all have those bits! 

Today’s heart is stitched on 13 count canvas which makes it larger than the previous hearts I have shared on the blog.

Dominique made this up so there is no pattern.  I have however taken the photo as a close-up so you can hopefully make out the stitches she has used.  Most of the threads in this sample are size 5 perle cottons.  Love the addition of the buttons – a little extra touch. Does this give you some ideas?

If you want to read more, check out my previous Hearts for Hospice post.  You may also like to check out all the posts.  Find these under categories – Needlepoint – Hearts for Hospice in the right sidebar. 

A fabulous project initiated in 2015 by the Greater Kansas City Needlepoint Guild to fulfill a need at a local hospice center. 

So, how about stitching a heart!

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