A small section of Block #7 in my new CRAZY QUILTING project – Black Butterflies. I have mentioned previously that I generally work on one medium size crazy quilt project annually. This year I chose a completely different colour combination from last year in a bold primary colour palette. You can find all the other posts pertaining to this project under “Black Butterflies” in the right sidebar under Categories.
I started the seam treatment on the lower left with a base of feather stitch in perle cotton. I carried the seam up as there was such a small section that I thought it best. I added detached chain stitches using flat ribbon – you could easily substitute Kreinik 1/16” ribbon here. I added bugle beads to finish it.
I picked up the bee charms ages ago and have been wanting to use them for so long – this seemed like a great place to add them AND fill in a naked yellow area.
The flower in the lower left was tacked in place using perle cotton along the petals with a brad center.
More of this block coming on Wednesday.