WOOL APPLIQUE, BLOOMIN BEAUTIES Bloomin Beauties Block #22!  Kathleen’s WOOL APPLIQUE version of Bloomin Beauties pattern by Kim Schaefer. You can find this in Kim’s Flower Festival book. She has used a heavy black flannel for her background. Kathleen has used Colour Complements threads. We are nearing the end of this project with only a couple of blocks remaining.

I have always been fond of the blue and yellow combination. During my traditional quilting days, this is the colour combination I used for one of my first quilts.

Kathleen has chosen a brighter solid green for her leaves which are bordered with what appears to be a coral stitch in perle cotton. The veining is created by stitching a shape using stem stitch and a series of straight stitches.

The blue flower petals are bordered with silk chenille also in a lovely blue which is couched in place. The center is magnificent, bordered with cast-on’s – I might add, very uniform cast-on’s…. using size 5 perle cotton. The center is a cross hatching technique using rayon thread tacked in place with blue beads.

I think the overall result is Bloomin beautiful!!! Thanks Kathleen.

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