Lorene Salt, needlepoint, Shockwave

Remember I mentioned prior to my blog break that I would be introducing some new projects this fall.  Well, here is the first one.

Lorene Salt is a Canadian canvas work designer.  She has been designing for over five years and teaches at various venues including the Embroidery Association of Canada seminar.  “Shockwave”  is a beginner canvas work piece designed by Lorene offered currently as a correspondence course with the Embroidery Association of Canada.  You can sign up here.

Lucky me as I had a sneak peek of this project some time ago and I could hardly wait to sign up.  The stitched design measures 9×9 on 18 count mono canvas.  It showcases interesting techniques including Bargello, a layered board, crescent petal and flower clusters.  Each of the four corners are different using a variety of stitches – straight, diagonal, cross, tied, looped and decorative.

Now, you know I simply had to dye my own “custom” palette and although I had ideas of changing the colours I ended up settling on very similar colours to Lorene’s sample piece.  I’ve dyed a combination of blue, purple and turquoise/blue so it is definitely a bit lighter than the sample.
Lorene Salt, Shockwave, needlepointHere are my results of Lesson 1 (the red thread is marking and will be removed later).  Lesson 2 follows this month – I can hardly wait!!!!  So, want to join me in stitching this gorgeous project – go sign up!!  Thanks Lorene for providing me permission to post this.  FYI – Lorene will have a website very soon – I’ll keep you posted 🙂

Since it is the long weekend I’ll resume posting again next Wednesday!  Have a great weekend.

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