
Today we are featuring another beautiful stitch pattern created with metallic thread! I don’t know about you, but I love to add metallic threads to my projects. It’s a different needlepoint variation from what we have featured in the past, but it’s beautiful, nonetheless!

Earlier this year, we featured a pattern entitled, Asymmetrical Copper designed by Jeff Kulick. The pattern was published in the November/December issue of Needle Pointers available as a member of the American Needlepoint Guild.

While the original design used an autumn palette as the main source of inspiration, we’re switching the seasons and using bright colours from our spring collection colours, with a hint of metallic threads to highlight just how versatile this pattern is.

If you’re interested in seeing the previous stitched samples, check out this blog post and this one.

How We Created This Stitch Pattern With Metallic Threads

Dominique opted to stitch this sample by varying the placement of stitches used in the original design.

The central area is stitched with a lattice stitch accented with a copper metallic thread. The border was created by alternating scotch and tent stitches while the outer border is stitched with various colours in a gobelin.

The sample today measures 2 ¾ inches on 18 count mono canvas. Size 5 perle cotton was used in the following colours:

This particular pattern had more metallic accents throughout the entire piece. Despite this, it’s still wonderfully balanced!

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