turquoise needlepoint pattern

Over the next several weeks I will be sharing three needlepoint samples featuring a beautiful turquoise needlepoint pattern! Turquoise is one of my favourite colours to use in my stitching. So much so, I used it for my Autumn Kaleidoscope. 

Each of the samples is a small section of a larger pattern designed by Debbie Rowley called Spring 9 Patch. You will find the pattern in the March/April 2021 issue of Needlepoint Now.

There are unique variations for each, but you can hardly notice as they all come together using the same palette of colours!

Details Of This Turquoise Needlepoint Pattern

All three samples are stitched on an 18-count mono canvas using 3 strands of cotton floss. The overall design measure 6-inches square, but our samples are only 2 ½ inches.

 Each of the samples features three colours

In our first sample above, you will note that Colour #46 is used in the upper right and repeated in the lower left. Colour #33 is a gorgeous brilliant blend of blues and turquoise blues shown in the lower right and upper left. Lastly, we added a few beads for some bling. Not a whole ton, but enough to give this particular pattern that WOW-factor!

As mentioned, we will be featuring more variations of this needlepoint pattern throughout the next several weeks. Stay tuned for our next post! 

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