Before we wrap up for the Holiday Season, I’d like to extend a thank you from Colour Complements!
Is there a creature stirring in your house? Are the stockings hung by the chimney with care?
By tonight the children will be nestled snug in their beds BUT I think it unlikely they’ll be dreaming of sugar plums, don’t you? I think many will be far too excited to sleep!
As the year draws to a close, I’d like to give thanks to all my wonderful customers. Next year (2022) will be my TENTH anniversary. When I started my business I never anticipated it would have grown to this extent.
Many of you have started as customers but are now friends AND some have been shopping with me for the entire ten years.
Thank you seems inadequate to express my true appreciation however I will say THANK YOU. Without you, I would not have a business!
I hope you have found joy and happiness this year despite the challenges many have endured.
I will be taking a brief blog break over the holiday season returning to regular posting in early January. The shop remains open and remember, I’m only an email away.
Wishing ALL of you happiness, joy and prosperity in 2022.