
I always like sharing various samples showcasing different colour combinations to create unique needlepoint patterns and designs. Today we are visiting Southwestern colours.

Last year, I posted another sample featuring southwestern colours on a previous blog post. At that time, I mentioned the beautiful colours of the red earth seen in Arizona as well as the turquoise. I like both the colour turquoise and the stone seen in some beautiful jewellery. 

Much like the beautiful Native design I achieved with that previous project, turquoise and rust/brown are a lovely combination, as shown in this sample. Several years ago, I dyed Colour #56 as one of several colours in my Fall collection. It is a combination of golden yellow, golden brown and a teal/blue-green.

I like this colour combination because it is different and lends itself to an earthy, natural Southwestern palette. You can see it on the outer border. 

What Colours were Used to Create this Unique Needlepoint Design

The sample above also features Colour #61, which is a blend of various values of yellow/tan and Colour #57, which is a beautiful blend of rich browns.  All of these colours are available online in my shop.

These colours have been combined with solid aqua/turquoise floss and a golden brown Size 5 Perle cotton.

The design above is stitched on 18-count brown canvas and measures approximately 2 ½ inches square.

So, do you like southwestern colours?  Have we inspired you to stitch? I hope so!     

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