
Carolyn Mitchell Designs creates some lovely patterns. Have you visited Carolyn’s website? If you enjoy counted canvas, you will love her site.

I was fortunate to take a class with her when I first started canvas work. Thank you Carolyn!

Carolyn designed Crystal Waters as a collection of seven smaller items focusing on needlework. 

Marie stitched this sample which is far bolder than the other samples.  Interestingly she has used the same palette but there is simply more blue, Colour #62. 

The following palette was used

Marie chose a very simple but gorgeous border of herringbone stitch.

Thank you Marie.

This is the last of the spring colour stitched samples today.  I hope they have inspired you to try out some if not all of the new colours.  Remember, ALL can be stitched with the colour palette of your choice. The samples used less than 10 meters/10.94 yards of threads SO one of my Colour Complements skeins would create two of these small samples. 

Thank you Pyra, Susan, Marie and Karen for the samples.

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