colour complements floss

A lovely sample of cross stitch today. 

I have a number of customers over the last year or so who have contacted me regarding colour choices for Michelle Ink Designs patterns.  As you likely already know, I do not cross stitch myself so was not familiar with this designer.  To date, all of the designs I have seen are beautiful. 

I recently became a member of the Cowichan Valley Needle Arts Guild and am once again fortunate to have a very talented group stitching some samples for me.  Pyra, has stitched this lovely design from Michelle Ink designs pattern “Quaker Gone Tropic”.  The background is 22 count Aida and measures 2 ½ inches square.  She used 1 strand of floss for the design in Colour Complements Colour #51. 

You can find the pattern HERE.  Thank you Pyra.

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