
I posted previously that I would be featuring some card inserts.

If you are a member of any sort of needlework guild then you will likely be familiar with card inserts.  If not, members generally stitch small designs to insert into a card.  Cards are given to members who are ill, perhaps have birthdays, celebrations of some sort etc.  Much of this will depend on the size of the guild.

Dominique is a member of my local needlework guild and a prolific stitcher.  During self-isolation she has been stitching A LOT!  Fortunately I am able to photograph all the samples.  She does not like idle hands so always has a project of some sort underway.

Card inserts are small allowing the opportunity to use a minimum of yardage.  A wonderful opportunity to use up left over previous project bits. 

Today’s card insert is cross stitch on 32 count linen.  It measures about 3 inches square and is stitched with 2 strands of floss in Colour #64.  I think it showcases this colour combination beautifully. 

You won’t need much floss!  The pattern is I believe from a free pattern offered by Tracy Horner of Ink Circles.  I “think” you will find this pattern HERE.  If you enjoy cross stitch you will want to visit the Ink Circles website.

Dominique has chosen an “element” of this pattern.  Patterns that are a collection of elements provide many opportunities to stitch smaller projects or perhaps vary the arrangement of elements for a different project.

This sample has been finished to show what it will look like in the card.  You can find these cards online or in a stationary shop.  They have an additional flap on the inside that covers the back of the stitching so it gives a clean finish.  You could also make these cards if you are so inclined. 

The second one below is another small rosetta, again from the same pattern.  It measures about 2 ½ inches square on 32 count linen.     


Hopefully, we have inspired you with some card insert patterns today.  If you are isolating then this is a great way to use up threads AND get ahead on some stitching for future gift giving.  Have fun stitching!

Thank you D.

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