
Over time I’ve written several blog posts about button clusters, so by now, many of you will know I LOVE using the button cluster technique in projects!

I have a button bin which includes a large selection of generic buttons in various colours, sizes, styles, and, luckily, some vintage buttons. My collection has grown over time, specifically when I am travelling as I like to visit local needlework shops, antique markets, and, if possible, button stores! There are some fabulous buttons in Paris stores and markets!

I was first introduced to button clusters on Sharon Boggon’s blog.  This was in the early stages of my crazy quilting adventure. 

Using the Button Cluster Technique In Crazy Quilting

I generally start by selecting coloured buttons from my collection in various sizes that either contrast or coordinate with surrounding fabrics. I’ll then add some textured buttons in varying sizes focusing on different shapes, including perhaps a metallic one. I like adding a vintage button to each of my clusters and sometimes more than one depending on whether they work.

In the cluster above, you can see this demonstrated. I started by placing sequin leaves in the background and then placed my buttons. All the buttons were stitched using a fine beading thread in a neutral gray. I then added beads to the centers and finished with scattering beads in the background.

What Are The Key Points Creating Button Clusters:

  • Use an odd number of buttons
  • Vary the size, colour and texture
  • Add beads and/or sequins

So, why not visit your button jar and experiment with some button clusters? And if you need some threads for your seam treatments, why not pick up some in the SHOP.

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