
This is the final example of straight stitches in our foundation seam treatment series. This time, this stitching technique is highlighting how you can use sequins in your seams.  

I could easily share far more than the four I’ve shared and will likely do so in the future. If you are new to crazy quilting I do hope I’ve inspired you to play around with some straight stitches. If you enjoy wool applique, all of the stitches in the series can be modified. All it takes is imagination.

Let’s start with our straight stitch seam treatment above. You may be surprised to learn it is simply a collection of varying shapes of straight stitches.

Using the Straight Stitching Technique With Sequins

I started by tracing V shapes which were then stitched with a lavender silk perle. I added a series of straight stitches in varying lengths and contrasting colours to both the top and bottom of the V’s. A purple sequin was added stitched in place with a seed bead.

French knots were added with metallics in both lavender and purple.

When I stitch I generally have a very small tray of bits next to me. I’ll frequently check this out if I have enough thread to use for a seam I’m working on prior to choosing a full skein. You will see the French Knots above were stitched with two different colours of metallic. I likely ran out of one so started experimenting with another colour. Remember, YOU are the designer so you may use what you wish.

The background base fabric is a gingham style print in a pale green which was overlaid with very fine lace trim. I opted to do this as the gingham was a bit bolder than I wanted for this section of my block.

So, are you hooked on straight stitches! I hope so. Might want to pick up a bag of sequins and beads which are currently on sale in the shop HERE.

We’ll still continue with our Foundation Stitch next month. Stay tuned for a new technique!

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