Today, my stitch sample is Colour #71.

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Colour #71 is one of the colours I introduced in my new spring collection.  It is a lovely blend of mint green and aqua. 

The sample is stitched on 18 count mono canvas in the video in a size 5 perle cotton.  The stitch is an upright beaty.  You will find this stitch in Volume 2 of the Stitches books on page 108.  There are five volumes of the Stitches books by Ruth Schmuff and Kathy Holicky which are great reference books.  I would recommend that you add these to your library.

I stitch these samples for my personal stitch library but I hope they will allow you to “see” how the colours blend and the appearance of the colour variations when stitched.  Yes, I am continuing to stitch video samples for each colour I sell but it is taking quite awhile!

I hope you enjoy the video. 

As it is the upcoming Easter weekend, I will be taking a short break from blogging returning on Wednesday April 7th! The shop remains open.

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