
Laces, trims and ribbons. How to organize them!

Today is all about laces, trims and ribbons.

Those of you who crazy quilt know you can never have enough laces, trims and ribbons.  I generally add one of each of these to every crazy quilt block I make.  They can bring it to life.

Like all my other storage solutions, my current solution evolved over time.

BUT, before this I tried some ideas.


It all started with ribbon rings.  A link is included in resources at the bottom of this page.

I saw them originally in a scrapbook store.  Oh, did I mention my scrapbook days – talk about storage!  Well, that story is best left for another time.

Ribbon rings are plastic and allow one to thread the ribbon or trim. 

All the rings can hang from a book or curtain ring.  Well, I did give them a try and I still do keep some on my threads on these rings.  BUT, as my collection grew I found it difficult trying to figure out where to hang them all.

**I apologize but I could not find a link for the rings shown on the left above and can’t recall at this time where I picked them up!

Prior to my move I had drawers – my window seat drawers I talked about in a previous post.  I purged and ended up reducing my collection to a third of what I had.

I spent a lot of time cutting chipboard rectangles.  Then I wrapped them with laces, trims and ribbons.  I’m here to tell you

IT TAKES A LOT OF TIME not to mention space. 

Well, wait for it, my new system!


Could it be easier.  I simply empty the jars to find what I want then put them all back in again.  Works great and they sit on a shelf in the studio room closet.

What’s next – THREAD storage!  

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