COLOUR COMPLEMENTS is seven this year! I can hardly believe I am commencing my seventh year in business. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of my very loyal customers.
So, I decided it was time to freshen up the shop. ALL my perle cottons and flosses are now listed by colour number under a section entitled “Perle Cottons and Floss” versus the four previous sections of size 5, size 8, size 12 and cotton floss. It is my hope this this expedites your shopping experience.
When you arrive on the shop page, you will see “Items” part way down on the left side of the page with sections – Perle Cottons and Floss, Petite Very Velvet, Sampler Thread Packs etc. I have used Colour #186 for this example but all the colours follow the same format. Click on the colour of your choice and you will now see SIZE just under the price. Click on “select an option” and you will see a drop down menu where you may select the size you wish. Once a size is selected a quantity list will pop up and you may order as many as you wish.

I recognize that change can be challenging but it is my sincere hope that this will make your shopping experience more enjoyable in the future.