CUPCAKES, Colour Complements ThreadsNEEDLEPOINT CUPCAKES, yes it is all about cupcakes today.  I know many of you will be familiar with the American Needlepoint Guild but just in case you are not you can check it out HERE.

There are many chapters of ANG and I do tend to both see and hear about a lot of projects that are offered through the various chapters. Gretchen is a member of the Temple Texas ANG. Interested members were recently provided with a canvas drawn with the outline of six cupcakes. Each participant designed their own cupcake.  I love this project!

Gretchen used Colour Complements Colour #110 in a size 5 perle cotton for the base of the cupcake in the upper left.  The entire project is stitched on 18 count canvas and measures 12×13 inches.  She used a slightly iridescent canvas for her background. The canvases were distributed to participating members in January and each month since a member has presented their design for a cupcake with instructions on how to stitch it.  She did mention that several participants have progressed at their own pace completing all six cupcakes.  One member opted to do holiday themed cupcakes (Christmas, Halloween etc).  I do hope she shares some photos with my readers as this project progresses more 🙂

So, what about some more cupcakes ladies using Colour Complements threads!  Thank you Gretchen – a delightful project.

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