I posted a couple of weeks ago about Angela at Gossamer Tangles. Angela is a talented textile artist who creates one of a kind jewelry in crochet.
She writes, “I create a variety of jewelry and jewelry-type accessories, as well as scarves and bags. I enjoy incorporating different types of materials into my creations. I use wire, beads, assorted types of fiber (yarn, ribbon, cord, thread, wool, fabric) sequins, buttons, clay, metal, paper, upcycled and recycled materials, and other miscellaneous items. I also use a variety of techniques — most often crochet, but also macrame, braiding, felting, sewing, and embroidery.”
Angela posted another one of her beautiful creations using Colour Complements Colour #188.
You can read more about her in my first post HERE and see more of her creations in her Etsy shop Gosamer Tangles.